R-T-B system rare earth permanent magnet

2022-07-31 4400 1754K 0
An R—T—B system rare earth permanent magnet, which is a sintered body comprising : a main phase consisting of an R2T14B phase (wherein R represents one or more rare earth elements (providing that the rare earth elements include Y), and T represents one or more transition metal elements essentially containing Fe, or Fe and Co); and a grain boundary phase containing a higher amount of R than the above main phase, wherein a product that is rich in Zr exists in the above R2T14B phase. The product that is rich in Zr has a platy or acicular form. The R—T—B system rare earth permanent magnet containing the product enables to inhibit the grain growth, while keeping a decrease in magnetic properties to a minimum, and to obtain a wide suitable sintering temperature range.


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