Technology for creating a RF radiation-free environment

2022-07-31 2310 794K 0
The invention relates to a method of rendering telecommunication devices ineffective, by creating a substantially radio frequency radiation-free environment by providing an interference generating pattern (IGP) adjacent to the environment in a position between the environment and a source of radio frequency radiation signals so as to substantially reduce, or interfere with such signals thus preventing typical operation of the wireless telecommunications devices. The IGP is generally one that is non-conductive and is or includes a diffraction grating. The IGP is positioned adjacent the environment between the environment and a source of radio frequency radiation signals. Preferably, the IGP is provided as a support member configured in the shape of a diffraction grating, and includes a paint or coating of a non-conductive material having a high dielectric constant thereon. The dielectric materials include families of materials of high dielectric constant, K, ranging from values of K=6 to K=100, and including compounds of silicon and of carbon, refractory materials, rare earth materials, or semiconductor materials.


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