Method for Manufacturing Martensitic Stainless Steel Parts from Sheets

2022-05-31 1620 1092K 0
A method for manufacturing martensitic stainless steel parts, according to which stainless steel sheets are prepared in the following compositions : 0.005% ≤ C ≤ 0.3%; 0.2% ≤ Mn ≤ 2.0%; traces≤ Si ≤ 1.0%; trace ≤ S ≤ 0.01%; Trace ≤ P ≤ 0.04%; 10.5% ≤ Cr ≤ 17.0%; trace ≤ Ni ≤ 4.0%; trace ≤ Mo ≤ 2.0%; Mo + 2 × W ≤ 2.0%; trace ≤ Cu ≤ 3%; trace ≤ Ti ≤ 0.5%; trace ≤ Al ≤ 0.2%; trace ≤ O ≤ 0.04%; 0.05% ≤ Nb ≤ 1.0%; 0.05% ≤ Nb + Ta ≤ 1.0%; 0.25% ≤ (Nb + Ta)/(C + N) ≤ 8; trace ≤ V ≤ 0.3%; trace ≤ Co ≤ 0.5%; trace ≤ Cu + Ni + Co ≤ 5.0%; trace ≤ Sn ≤ 0.05%; trace ≤ B ≤ 0.1%; trace ≤ Zr ≤ 0.5%; Ti + V + Zr ≤ 0.5%; trace ≤ H ≤ 5 ppm, trace ≤ N ≤ 0.2%; (Mn + Ni) ≥ (Cr - 10.3 - 80 × [(C + N)2]); trace ≤ Ca ≤ 0.002%; trace ≤ rare earths and/or Y ≤ 0.06%; impurities and iron rests; where the Ms temperature is ≥ 200°C; Mf temperature is ≥ -50°C; The microstructure consists of ferrite and/or tempered martensitis and 0.5% to 5% by volume of carbides; The size of the ferrite particles is from 1 μm to 80 μm; Austenitization is performed, to obtain microtissues comprising up to 0.5% carbide and up to 20% residual ferrite; The sheet is kept at a temperature higher than Ms and holds up to 0.5% volume% carbide and up to 20% residual ferrite while the sheet is moved to the first shaping tool; The first forming or cutting step is carried out, the sheet is maintained at a temperature higher than Ms and holds up to 0.5% by volume of carbide and up to 20% by volume of residual ferrite; The movement of the sheet is carried out on the 2nd molding tool; The second forming step is performed, during which the sheet is maintained at a temperature higher than Ms and holds up to 0.5% by volume of carbide and up to 20% of residual ferrite; - If TPn is the temperature reached by the sheet at the end of the final molding phase and ∑ti is the sum of the periods of the moving and forming phases, then (TP0-TPn)/∑ti is at least 0.5 ° C. / s; - The sheet is cooled to become a final part with microscopy containing up to 0.5% carbide and up to 20% residual ferrite.


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